Hello! Back after a bit, a big bit, of a break.
We have just bought our first home, and boy was it dirty, so all of my free time has been spent cleaning nicotine from anywhere and everywhere.
I then went to India...and found SO MUCH fabric. It is much more common to finish the edging of lengths of fabric on one of the selvage sides, because most clothing in India is tailored to fit you so the fabric is pre-finished for hemlines. OR curtains...ahh very suitable for new home.
So I set out to make a few 'nets' for our windows...trouble is, they are UPVC...now how in the world do you put in the holes to hang the nets...
You don't!
Here is my top tip - hook and loop fasteners!
More commonly known as VELCRO, but remember this is just a brand name. But I can say VELCRO because I used that!
Step One;
Choose jazzy fabric that will let the light through
Step Two;
Clean UPVC with white spirits or something like that, and apply sticky back HOOK SIDE in correct position on the furthest edge of the frame. The reason you put the hook side here is so if you want to wash your nets they do not get destroyed by the hooks in the washing machine, and they are a pain to sew.
Step Three;
There should be a photo but it just wasn't working - bascially hem your fabric and sew in the LOOP SIDE of the velcro to the curtain right in the corner.
Step Four;
Stick 'em together!
Jobs a guddun'!
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